How to Cancel Shared Links in TeraBox?
TeraBox is an app known for its user-friendly interface. Sharing of files with links on Terabox further adds to this feature. Users can set the links validity. They can be set as permanent links or links with expiry.
Links with expiry become invalid after the expiry date. But what will be the fate of permanent links? Can they also be canceled? These few concerns and procedures to resolve them will be explained here.
These permanent links can also be canceled at any time. Terabox offers a very easy and convenient way to do that.
Steps to Cancel Previously Shared Links in TeraBox
Follow these simple steps to cancel the shared links.
Step 1: Log in TeraBox Account
First step involved in canceling shared links or doing any other task on TeraBox is to login to the app. Simply put your email and password. You have other options too like using Facebook or Google id.

Step 2: Open App Navigation Menu
Once you are logged in, click on your profile. This is the Navigation menu which will show you options manu.
Step 3: Go to Shared Files
In the Navigation menu, look for “shared files”. By clicking on it, you will find all previously shared files and folders and the options to cancel the files shared with links, as well.

Step 4: Select Files and Tap ‘Cancel Sharing’
Tap on the file, you want to cancel sharing. After clicking on it, the access to this file with links will be revoked.
Step 5: Tap Confirm to Proceed
When you tap on ‘cancel sharing’ a pop-up will rise to seek your confirmation. Just confirm it and the simple process is finished.

Hope the guide has really helped you. Continue using Terabox and enjoy its wonderful features.